Refurbished Computers- The Technology Which Everyone Can Buy'

Refurbished Computers at prices not found anywhere else Electro Computer Warehouse
What do we all know about new computers? Is that in a few months, a thousand dollar brand new computer can go for a half a price that is approximately 500 dollars. If you want to buy a used computer you will see that you can find many cheap deals on the internet, but used computers may not be of even quality. So when you are deciding to buy a used refurbished computer you must know that you are taking some risks because most probably it was build with the cheapest components.
There are also times when a refurbished computer turn out to be ok and it may work perfectly for years so then it is indeed a good investment. So to make sure it will be a good investment when you buy a refurbished computer you should ask for a guarantee before you purchase your product. You might consider that this warranty will be a little bit hard to obtain as the company that sell used and refurbished computers have no control over how long the product last. However if you are going to buy a used computer you might consider buying the computer that is slightly outdated because you have more chances to not have any problems with it.
Verify if the brand is reputed and always buy a good reliable brand. Read about customer service experience for that specific computer issues. And if you say from example you have bad luck with the hard drive, or memory, or video card you can always find replacement on the market because the components are not very outdated and the manufacturers still delivers them. But the less outdated a computer is the more probably will run like a brand new computer even if you pay a little bit more than a very cheap used computer. It will worth the money after all.
If you are looking for the safety of information and you consider that a used computer maybe it's not as reliable as a bran new one you might consider of taking backup few times a month or one time depending how often you update your documents or data , because when it happen you must be prepare. You must also know that this can happen to anybody and bad luck is not looking at the computer price or brand.
Anyway nowadays computers and components are much more durable and dependable that they were a few years ago. Therefore, buying a used or refurbished computer is becoming more of a trend and buying a used or refurbished computer can be a great way to save money.

devolpment, of Computers and Technology

Computers in some form are in almost everything these days.  From Toasters to Televisions, just about all electronic things has some form of processor in them.  This is a very large change from the way it used to be, when a computer that would take up an entire room and weighed tons of pounds has the same amount of power as a scientific calculator.  The changes that computers have undergone in the last 40 years have been colossal.  So many things have changed from the ENIAC that had very little power, and broke down once every 15 minutes and took another 15 minutes to repair, to our Pentium Pro 200's, and the powerful Silicon Graphics Workstations, the core of the machine has stayed basically the same.  The only thing that has really changed in the processor is the speed that it translates commands from 1's and 0's to data that actually means something to a normal computer user.  Just in the last few years, computers have undergone major changes.  PC users came from using MS-DOS and Windows 3.1, to Windows 95, a whole new operating system.  Computer speeds have taken a huge increase as well, in 1995 when a  normal computer was a 486 computer running at 33 MHz, to 1997 where a blazing fast Pentium (AKA 586) running at 200 MHz plus.  The next generation of processors is slated to come out this year as well, being the next CPU from Intel, code named Merced, running at 233 MHz, and up.  Another major innovation has been the Internet.  This is a massive change to not only the computer world, but to the entire world as well.  The Internet has many different facets, ranging from newsgroups, where you can choose almost any topic to discuss with a range of many other people, from university professors, to professionals of the field of your choice, to the average person, to IRC, where you can chat in real time to other people around the world, to the World Wide Web, which is a mass of information networked from places around the world.  Nowadays, no matter where you look, computers are somewhere, doing something.

Changes in computer hardware and software have taken great leaps and jumps since the first video games and word processors.  Video games started out with a game called Pong...monochrome (2 colors, typically amber and black, or green and black), you had 2 controller paddles, and the game resembled a slow version of Air Hockey.  The first word processors had their roots in MS-DOS, these were not very sophisticated nor much better than a good typewriter at the time.  About the only benefits were the editing tools available with the word processors.  But, since these first two dinosaurs of software, they have gone through some major changes.  Video games are now placed in fully 3-D environments and word processors now have the abilities to change grammar and check your spelling.

Hardware has also undergone some fairly major changes.  When computers entered their 4th generation, with the 8088 processor, it was just a base computer, with a massive processor, with little power, running at 3-4 MHz, and there was no sound to speak of, other than blips and bleeps from an internal speaker.  Graphics cards were limited to two colors (monochrome), and RAM was limited to 640k and less.  By this time, though, computers had already undergone massive changes.  The first computers were massive beasts of things that weighed thousands of pounds.  The first computer was known as the ENIAC, it was the size of a room, used punched cards as input and didn't have much more power than a calculator.  The reason for it being so large is that it used vacuum tubes to process data.  It also broke down very the tune of once every fifteen minutes, and then it would take 15 minutes to locate the problem and fix it.  This beast also used massive amount of power, and people used to joke that the lights would dim in the city of origin whenever the computer was used.

The Early Days of Computers

The very first computer, in the roughest sense of the term, was the abacus.  Consisting of beads strung on wires, the abacus was the very first desktop calculator.  The first actual mechanical computer came from an individual named Blaise Pascal, who built an adding machine based on gears and wheels.  This invention did not become improved significantly until a person named Charles Babbage came along, who made a machine called the difference engine.  It is for this, that Babbage is known as the "Father of the Computer."

Born in England in 1791, Babbage was a mathematician, and an inventor.  He decided a machine could be built to solve polynomial equations more easily and accurately by calculating the differences between them.  The model of this was named the Difference Engine.  The model was so well received that he began to build a full scale working version, with money that he received from the British Government as a grant.

Babbage soon found that the tightest design specifications could not produce an accurate machine.  The smallest imperfection was enough to throw the tons of mechanical rods and gears, and threw the entire machine out of whack.  After spending 17,000 pounds, the British Government withdrew financial support.  Even though this was a major setback, Babbage was not discouraged.  He came up with another machine of wheels and cogs, which he would call the analytical engine, which he hoped would carry out many different kinds of calculations.  This was also never built, at least by Babbage (although a model was put together by his son, later), but the main thing about this was it manifested five key concepts of modern computers --

· Input device

· Processor or Number calculator

· Storage unit to hold number waiting to be processed

· Control unit to direct the task waiting to be performed and the sequence of calculations

· Output device

Parts of Babbage's inventions were similar to an invention built by Joseph Jacquard.  Jacquard, noting the repeating task of weavers working on looms, came up with a stiff card with a series of holes in it, to block certain threads from entering the loom and blocked others from completing the weave.  Babbage saw that the punched card system could be used to control the calculations of the analytical engine, and brought it into his machine.

Ada Lovelace was known as the first computer programmer.  Daughter of an English poet (Lord Byron), went to work with Babbage and helped develop instructions for doing calculations on the analytical engine.  Lovelace's contributions were very great, her interest gave Babbage encouragement; she was able to see that his approach was workable and also published a series of notes that led others to complete what he prognosticated.

Since 1970, the US Congress required that a census of the population be taken every ten years.  For the census for 1880, counting the census took 71/2 years because all counting had to be done by hand.  Also, there was considerable apprehension in official society as to whether the counting of the next census could be completed before the next century.

A competition was held to find some way to speed the counting process.  In the final test, involving a count of the population of St.

Louis, Herman Hollerith's tabulating machine completed the count in only 51/2 hours.  As a result of his systems adoption, an unofficial count of the 1890 population was announced only six weeks after the census was taken.  Like the cards that Jacquard used for the loom, Hollerith's punched cards also used stiff paper with holes punched at certain points.  In his tabulating machine, roods passed through the holes to complete a circuit, which caused a counter to advance one unit.  This capability pointed up the principal difference between the analytical engine and the tabulating machine; Hollerith was able to use electrical power rather than mechanical power to drive the device.

Hollerith, who had been a statistician with the Census Bureau, realized that the punched card processing had high potential for sales.  In 1896, he started the Tabulating Machine Company, which was very successful in selling machines to railroads and other clients.  In 124, this company merged with two other companies to form the International Business Machines Corporation, still well known today as IBM.

IBM, Aiken & Watson

For over 30 years, from 1924 to 1956, Thomas Watson, Sr., ruled IBM with an iron grip.  Before becoming the head of IBM, Watson had worked for the Tabulating Machine Company.  While there, he had a running battle with Hollerith, whose business talent did not match his technical abilities.  Under the lead of Watson, IBM became a force to be reckoned with in the business machine market, first as a purveyor of calculators, then as a developer of computers.

IBM's entry into computers was started by a young person named Howard Aiken.  In 1936, after reading Babbage's and Lovelace's notes, Aiken thought that a modern analytical engine could be built.  The important difference was that this new development of the analytical engine would be electromechanical.  Because IBM was such a power in the market, with lots of money and resources, Aiken worked out a proposal and approached Thomas Watson.  Watson approved the deal and give him 1 million dollars in which to make this new machine, which would later be called the Harvard Mark I, which began the modern era of computers.

Nothing close to the Mark I had ever been built previously.  It was 55 feet long and 8 feet high, and when it processed information, it made a clicking sound, equivalent to (according to one person) a room full of individuals knitting with metal needles.  Released in 1944, the sight of the Mark I was marked by the presence of many uniformed Navy officers.  It was now W.W.II and Aiken had become a naval lieutenant, released to Harvard to help build the computer that was supposed to solve the Navy's obstacles.

During the war, German scientists made impressive advances in computer design.  In 1940 they even made a formal development proposal to Hitler, who rejected farther work on the scheme, thinking the war was already won.  In Britain however, scientists succeeded in making a computer called Colossus, which helped in cracking supposedly unbreakable German radio codes.  The Nazis unsuspectingly continued to use these codes throughout the war.  As great as this accomplishment is, imagine the possibilities if the reverse had come true, and the Nazis had the computer technology and the British did not.

In the same time frame, American military officers approached Dr. Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and asked him to develop a machine that would quickly calculate the trajectories for artillery and missiles.  Mauchly and his student, Presper Eckert, relied on the work of Dr. John Atanasoff, a professor of physics at Iowa State University.

During the late '30's, Atanasoff had spent time trying to build an electronic calculating device to help his students solve complicated math problems.  One night, the idea came to him for linking the computer memory and the associated logic.  Later, he and an associate, Clifford Berry, succeeded in building the "ABC," for Atanasoff-Berry Computer.  After Mauchly met with Atanasoff and Berry, he used the ABC as the basis for the next computer development.  From this association ultimately would come a lawsuit, considering attempts to get patents for a commercial version of the machine that Mauchly built.  The suit was finally decided in 1974, when it was decided that Atanasoff had been the true developer of the ideas required to make an electronic digital computer actually work, although some computer historians dispute this decision.  But during the war years, Mauchly and Eckert were able to use the ABC principals in dramatic effect to create the ENIAC.


Computers Become More Powerful

The size of ENIAC's numerical "word" was 10 decimal digits, and it could multiply two of

these numbers at a rate of 300 per second, by finding the value of each product from a

Multiplication table stored in its memory. ENIAC was about 1000 times faster than the previous generation of computers. ENIAC used 18,000 vacuum tubes, about 1,800 square feet of floor space, and consumed about 180,000 watts of electrical power. It had punched card input, 1 multiplier, 1 divider/square rooter, and 20 adders using decimal ring counters, which served as adders and also as quick-access (.0002 seconds) read-write register storage. The executable

instructions making up a program were embodied in the separate "units" of ENIAC, which

were plugged together to form a "route" for the flow of information.  The problem with the ENIAC was that the average life of a vacuum tube is 3000 hours, and a vacuum tube would then burn out once every 15 minutes.  It would take on average 15 minutes to find the burnt out tube and replace it.

Enthralled by the success of ENIAC, the mathematician John Von Neumann undertook, in 1945, a study of computation that showed that a computer should have a very basic, fixed physical construction, and yet be able to carry out any kind of computation by means of a proper programmed control without the need for any change in the unit itself. Von Neumann contributed a new consciousness of how sensible, yet fast computers should be organized and assembled. These ideas, usually referred to as the stored-program technique, became important for future generations of high-speed digital computers and were wholly adopted. The Stored-Program technique involves many features of computer design and function besides the one that it is named after.  In combination, these features make very high speed operations attainable. An impression may be provided by considering what 1,000 operations per second means. If each instruction in a job program were used once in concurrent order, no human programmer could induce enough instruction to keep the computer busy. Arrangements must be made, consequently, for parts of the job program (called subroutines) to be used repeatedly in a manner that depends on the way the computation goes. Also, it would clearly be helpful if instructions could be changed if needed during a computation to make them behave differently. Von Neumann met these two requirements by making a special type of machine instruction, called a Conditional control transfer -- which allowed the program sequence to be stopped and started again at any point - and by storing all instruction programs together with data in the same memory unit, so that, when needed, instructions could be changed in the same way as data.

As a result of these techniques, computing and programming became much faster, more flexible, and more efficient with work.  Regularly used subroutines did not have to be reprogrammed for each new program, but could be kept in "libraries" and read into memory only when needed. Hence, much of a given program could be created from the subroutine library.  The computer memory became the collection site in which all parts of a long computation were kept, worked on piece by piece, and put together to form the final results.  When the advantage of these techniques became clear, they became a standard practice.

The first generation of modern programmed electronic computers to take advantage of these improvements was built in 1947.  This group included computers using Random- Access-Memory (RAM), which is a memory designed to give almost constant access to any particular piece of information. . These machines had punched-card or tape I/O devices.  Physically, they were much smaller than ENIAC. Some were about the size of a grand piano and used only 2,500 electron tubes, a lot less then required by the earlier ENIAC. The first-generation stored-program computers needed a lot of maintenance, reached probably about 70 to 80% reliability of operation (ROO) and were used for 8 to 12 years.  This group of computers included EDVAC and UNIVAC, the first commercially available computers.

Early in the 50's two important engineering discoveries changed the image of the electronic-computer field, from one of fast but unreliable hardware to an image of relatively high reliability and even more capability. These discoveries were the magnetic core memory and the Transistor - Circuit Element. These technical discoveries quickly found their way into new models of digital computers. RAM capacities increased from 8,000 to 64,000 words in commercially available machines by the 1960's, with access times of 2 to 3 MS (Milliseconds). These machines were very expensive to purchase or even to rent and were particularly expensive to operate because of the cost of expanding programming. Such computers were mostly found in large computer centers operated by industry, government, and private laboratories -- staffed with many programmers and support personnel. This situation led to modes of operation enabling the sharing of the high potential available.  During this time, another important development was the move from machine language to assembly language, also known as symbolic languages.  Assembly languages use abbreviations for instructions rather than numbers.  This made programming a computer a lot easier.

After the implementation of assembly languages came high-level languages.  The first language to be universally accepted was a language by the name of FORTRAN, developed in the mid 50's as an engineering, mathematical, and scientific language.  Then, in 1959, COBOL was developed for business programming usage.  Both languages, still being used today, are more English like than assembly.  Higher level languages allow programmers to give more attention to solving problems rather than coping with the minute details of the machines themselves.  Disk storage complimented magnetic tape systems and enabled users to have rapid access to data required.

All these new developments made the second generation computers easier and less costly to operate.  This began a surge of growth in computer systems, although computers were being mostly used by business, university, and government establishments.  They had not yet been passed down to the general public.  The real part of the computer revolution was about to begin.

One of the most abundant elements in the earth is silicon; a non-metal substance found in sand as well as in most rocks and clay.  The element has given rise to the name "Silicon Valley" for Santa Clara County, about 50 km south of San Francisco.  In 1965, Silicon valley became the principle site of the computer industry, making the so-called silicon chip.

An integrated circuit is a complete electronic circuit on a small chip of silicon.  The chip may be less than 3mm square and contain hundreds to thousands of electronic components.  Beginning in 1965, the integrated circuit began to replace the transistor in machines was now called third-generation computers.  An Integrated Circuit was able to replace an entire circuit board of transistors  with one chip of silicon much smaller than one transistor.  Silicon is used because it is a semiconductor.  It is a crystalline substance that will conduct electric current when it has been doped with chemical impurities shot onto the structure of the crystal.  A cylinder of silicon is sliced into wafers, each about 76mm in diameter.  The wafer is then etched repeatedly with a pattern of electrical circuitry.  Up to ten layers may be etched onto a single wafer.  The wafer is then divided into several hundred chips, each with a circuit so small it is half the size of a fingernail; yet under a microscope, it is complex as a railroad yard.  A chip 1 centimeter square it is so powerful that it can hold 10,000 words, about the size of an average newspaper.

Integrated circuits entered the market with the simultaneous announcement in 1959 by Texas Instruments and Fairchild Semiconductor that they had each independently produced chips containing several complete electronic circuits.  The chips were hailed as a generational breakthrough because they had four desirable characteristics.

· Reliability - They could be used over and over again without failure, whereas vacuum tubes failed ever fifteen minutes.  Chips rarely failed -- perhaps one in 33 million hours of operation.  This reliability was due not only to the fact that they had no moving parts but also that semiconductor firms gave them a rigid work/not work test.

· Compactness - Circuitry packed into a small space reduces equipment size.  The machine speed is increased because circuits are closer together, thereby reducing the travel time for the electricity.

· Low Cost - Mass-production techniques has made possible the manufacture of inexpensive integrated circuits.  That is, miniaturization has allowed manufacturers to produce many chips inexpensively.

· Low power use -- Miniaturization of integrated circuits has meant that less power is required for computer use than was required in previous generations.  In an energy-conscious time, this was important.

The Microprocessor

Throught the 1970's, computers gained dramatically in speed, reliability, and storage capacity, but entry into the fourth generation was evolutionary rather than revolutionary.  The fourth generation was, in fact, furthering the progress of the third generation.  Early in the first part of the third generation, specialized chips were developed for memory and logic.  Therefore, all parts were in place for the next technological development, the microprocessor, or a general purpose processor on a chip.  Ted Hoff of Intel developed the chip in 1969, and the microprocessor became commercially available in 1971.

Nowadays microprocessors are everywhere.  From watches, calculatores and computers, processors can be found in virtually every machine in the home or business.  Environments for computers have changed, with no more need for climate-controlled rooms  and most models of microcomputers can be placed almost anywhere.

New Stuff

After the technoligical improvements in the 60's and the 70's, computers haven't gotten much different, aside from being faster, smaller and more user friendly.  The base architecture of the computer itself is fundementally the same.  New improvements from the 80's on have been more "Comfort Stuff", those being sound cards (For hi-quality sound and music), CD-ROMs (large storage capicity disks), bigger monitors and faster video cards.  Computers have come a long way, but there has not really been alot of vast technological improvements, architecture-wise.

Design and technology

Creative Careers for the 21st Century

Information and its use in a digital environment is undergoing a transition in the mid-1990s that is similar to and in some ways more portentous than the introduction of the Gutenberg printing press 500 years ago.

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The information age has spanned the digital media revolution. Businesses and consumers are being introduced to information in a digital form of interactive text, images, animation, sound and video. The demand for this new form of multimedia is increasing at a rapid pace.

As a result, the demand for artists, designers, animators, video production personnel and multimedia authors who can create, design and produce content for this new digital media revolution currently exceeds the supply.

The pool of creative talent for the 21st century is forming now.

Most of the computer animation and multimedia educational programs in existence today were barely in their infancy five years ago. Technology plays a very large role in education for this field. Because the equipment is so expensive, it is almost impossible for individuals to create an environment to learn the skills themselves. The key for prospective students is to choose a school that is committed to maintaining the technology. Frequently, instructors work at companies in interactive industries and can provide students with job leads and recommendations.

When choosing a school, the decision should be based on the teaching ability of a faculty and on the subject matter. Most industry experts agree that a school that has programs geared toward digital media career preparation should offer:

fundamental art and design courses such as sketching, life drawing, characterisation, modelling, painting, rendering, graphic design, storyboarding skills, colour and light, cameras, and sound.
knowledge and experience with graphics software for image manipulation, computer paint, layout and design, two-dimensional and three-dimensional animation, multimedia authoring, video and special effects, audio and video non-linear editing, computer-aided drafting and three-dimensional modelling.
liberal arts studies, and skills in communication, interviewing, presentation, production, time management, and portfolio and demo tape production.

The curriculum of a school should serve as a plan for success. The student builds on the learned skills and competencies necessary to meet industry requirements, and the demo tape and portfolio completed at the end of the program is the tangible out-come of that plan.

Prospective students should seriously analyse their capabilities and desires. Learning to draw, edit and animate is like learning to play a musical instrument - its largely a matter of practice and dedication. Employers are looking for trained creative individuals who also demonstrate a passion and enthusiasm for building these interactive worlds. Passion and enthusiasm breed the discipline required to develop the skills for this field.

Lucas Arts Entertainment Co, the games division of the entertainment conglomerate operated by filmmaker George Lucas, found that passion and enthusiasm in Craig Rundles, Jim Rice and Clint Young, three recent graduates of the Computer Animation and Multimedia programs at The Art Institute of Dallas. Rundles and Young are working on the development of Rebel Assault II, a video game that will coincide with the new Star Wars trilogy Lucas is producing.

Much like an illustrator, production artist or calligrapher, the computer animation/multimedia specialist is a highly skilled and specialised artist. Graduates should be prepared to apply their skills in positions such as computer animator, architectural simulation artist, broadcast graphics artist, animator for business applications, animator for computing/information technology, animator for corporate/industrial presentations, entertainment/edutainment animator, film animator, animator for interactive CDROM, animator for interactive television, paintbox artist, special effects artist and animator, and animator/artist for titling and design.

The field is very accessible for individuals who have artistic backgrounds coupled with hardware and software technology skills. The ‘starving artist' myth should be dispelled in the 21st century as institutions of higher learning focus on art and technology curricula that lead to successful creative careers.

For complete details about study in uk, visit abroad education corner.

USB Flash Drives - Useful Tools in Computer Technology

USB flash drives are very useful tools. They can be used very effectively to back up your computer in case of a crash. Depending upon the amount of information you want contained within the USB, the prices will vary somewhat. The Promotional flash drives can also hold information for your sales force to carry with them for presentations or sales seminars. They can also be used in the home to ensure you quickly and easily back up your vital data.

They are of high quality and small enough to carry in pockets or on key chains. Branded flash drives may be preferred by some because of brand loyalty. Other people might want to go for the promotional option. The company name, telephone number and logo can be imprinted on the USB flash drives which is excellent advertising for your company. It is well worth the investment to give them out to valued clients.

You will be surprised at the business it generates. Some purchasers are used to a specific manufacturer and this is the only reason they buy these drives plus all the many other similar products we stock as well.

Our drives are in inventory in sufficient amounts. Do not let a situation develop where you must move information quickly and you do not have any USB flash drives. We guarantee their quality and ability to keep information intact without corruption for many years. Take stock of your needs and discuss our prices and offers with the company's knowledgeable personnel.

Improve Your Computer Technology With Multi-Function Printers

The technology of computers is constantly improving but there is one aspect in this front that has not received much attention and that is printer technology. There are many businesses that require working from home which includes various functions like scanning, copying and faxing. For these requirements many a times a separated piece of equipment is fitted to get the work done.

To install or use separate piece of device for these functions is a big investment in itself but it also consumes a lot of space. So due to these constraints there is a new invention that has stormed the market with its multi-utility functions and that is a multi-function printer. It comes with the ability to print, scan and fax. It is a one electronic piece of device which performs all the functions and also requires much less space and it is less expensive too.

The prime importance of these devices is that it does all the functions perfectly but obviously not to the level of perfection which a stand alone device performs.

While opting for such a device a lot of things need to be kept in mind that should meet your individual demands and requirements.

The first thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the type of printer that you are opting to buy like there are a wide range of these kinds of products like inkjet, LaserJet or color jet. The inkjet printers function by forcing the variably sized droplets of ink into a piece of paper or a similar medium.

Whereas a laser printer generates the text and graphics on a plain paper by using the same technology compared to the digital photocopiers. They use a xerographic printing process but it differs from the analog photocopiers where the required image is developed by the direct scanning of a laser beam across the printer's photoreceptor.

The required speed of a laser printer is measured in terms of ppm (pages per minute) and the number of pages of a laser or an inkjet can be produced in one minute. The print speed of the laser or the inkjet may differ on various factors like the complexity of the documents generated, the required page coverage and the design of the printer itself.

Refurbished Computer Drives: Latest Technology At Age Old Price

The demand for Refurbished computer drives is gaining momentum as more and more people are relying on computers for doing even their daily chore. A restored computer drive is a quality product at an affordable cost. Since money is a concern for many and in this time and age it is a deciding factor for even all of us, refurbished computer products are the first priority of most of the users.

Refurbished drives refer to those drives which were sent back to the manufacturer to correct operational disorders as complained by their users. At the facility, they are renovated and reconditioned for enhanced functionality. The manufacturer recycles and restores them to meet its quality standards. After thorough testing, the restored drive is repackaged to hit the market again. It comes with complete user manual and also carries an authentic warranty tag to satisfy even the most discerning customer. Since there is nothing to hide, these computer drives are sold as re-manufactured or restored so that the buyer could differentiate between a refurbished and a new product.

When it comes to performance and durability, refurbished computer drives are as trustworthy as new drives. Recycling restores their original storage capacity. The process properly formats the drive by cleaning the operating system and any stored data. As far as the compatibility of a re-manufactured drive with a computer goes, there has never been a problem. These drives are much in demand in the computer hardware industry as a majority of computer users are opting for restored drives.
Refurbished drives lead to a significant reduction in the cost hence an economically viable option. Yet another advantage of a restored drive is that it is environmental friendly as recycling clears the drive of all the electronic waste.

Refurbished computer drives are available for desktop computers, laptops and even servers. A restored drive could be used as the main drive for a system and also as backup drive for storage or recovery of critical data. The chances a refurbished drive working bad are very low since drives get affected due to electrical failures on the card which is replaced in the recycling process. With a new card, there is no difference between a new and a refurbished drive. Re-manufactured drive provides a cost effective choice to those who always look for new ways to upgrade their systems working capacity. If you are looking for a new drive for your system then consider a restored one.

Technology's Ambassador

My brother and I would argue about what we were seeing as Margaret Benyon's Tigirl changed each time we shook our heads. At least once a year as we were growing up, our grandparents took us to the MIT Museum, where our favorite exhibits included the holography collection, Arthur Ganson's kinetic sculptures (we loved the wishbone), and the strobe-light photography of Doc Edgerton, SM '27, ScD '31 (the bullet going through the apple never ceased to amaze us). And visiting gave my grandfather, Harvey Steinberg '54, then chairman of the museum advisory board, a chance to share his MIT stories with us.

Fast-forward a few years. I was taking a year off after my sophomore year at MIT and needed something to do. My grandfather suggested that I might be able to help out at the museum, which had just opened its Mark Epstein Innovation Gallery. So I ended up volunteering there several days a week from October to August.

I started by doing behind-the-scenes work, compiling research on new exhibits and assembling supplies for workshops.

But at the Friday After Thanksgiving (FAT) Chain Reaction, I got my first chance to interact with the public. FAT teams make Rube Goldberg-­inspired machines that are started by a pulled string and end up pulling the string of the next machine. One of the coolest parts for me was getting to meet the event's MC, Arthur Ganson, the creator of the awesome kinetic sculptures at the museum. I built a link in the chain myself that year (with some help from my brother) and have gone back every year since.

Shortly after Thanksgiving, we began preparing for the Rube Goldberg Competition for middle-school students that the MIT Museum cohosts each April at the Fay School in Southborough, MA.

We spent much of December ordering supplies and assembling kits; in January, we trained teachers from each participating school. As an MIT student mentor (each team gets one), I visited my team at their school and helped them plan. Although each team got the same task and the same materials, when I saw the machines in action in April, I was impressed by how different and creative each approach was.

That spring, I disassembled my first computer as part of the museum's "take-apart" event during the annual Cambridge Science Festival. I also got the job of playing with some recently obtained Lego MindStorms kits. Each kit contained basic Lego pieces, sensors, and a cable to connect the base to a computer so it could be programmed. Once I familiarized myself with the parts and the software, I helped write the curriculum for the initial MindStorms workshop, which the museum now offers regularly to school groups. (Fun fact: MindStorms' programmable bricks were developed at the MIT Media Lab.)

My summer at the museum was a ton of fun! We had a rotating schedule of drop-in activities: visitors could try out Lego ­MindStorms, inexpensive XO computers from One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), a giant tornado machine, and activities in the DNA Learning Lab. In creating the OLPC demo, we visited the project's headquarters in Kendall Square and took apart a laptop (such as ThinkPad R60, ThinkPad T60, ThinkPad X60). It was a blast to play with cool stuff all day.

When it was time for me to return to school that fall, I wanted to share the museum with the rest of the MIT Community (free with MIT ID!). The night of registration day, we had a big party with ice cream, music filled with bad science puns, and construction projects involving toothpicks and Dots candy.

As a student again, I still visited the museum frequently to escape the stress of the semester. For the 2008 Cambridge Science Festival, I took a break from working on my 2.007 robot to stand at the museum's booth for an hour and explain what a phenakistoscope is (it's an early animation device based on the principle of persistence of vision). I then helped families make their own. And during IAP 2009, I helped create a giant geodesic dome, first in Lobby 13 and then again in the MIT Museum. It was large enough to lie in!

Volunteering at the museum gave me great opportunities to develop my skills at working with the public and explaining technical information. The place I visited regularly growing up is now filled with many more memories.

The Art of Living with Computer Technology

When you are discussing the domain of computer technology you are considering a wide landscape blending software and hardware components to concretize an idea. In fact, this is a concept for the well-being of humanity to realize a longing dream of smarter planet. There are thousands of problems and endless list of error messages which you might be getting on your system. Luckily, the majority of these potential issues are rare. But they may bundle your nerves and may hamper your productivity thereby putting you in an uneasy situations.

Computer technical support has made a bang entry into the computer world to bring quick solutions to emerging software and hardware issues. Remotely enabled support portal is doing what earlier was beyond imagination. It has revolutionized the concept of home PC repair with assistance of online experts; unlike calling local technicians or waiting at any computer repair shop here you are entitled to grab reliable support on-demand.

Hence, no issue is big provided you have the phone or Internet service. Experts can take the charge of your machine remotely to accomplish entire troubleshooting on your behalf. Just you have to permit them to do so. In case of Internet failure experts can instruct you over the phone to fix computer problems.

Lets’ discuss some common practices followed by specialist to resolve frequent issues.

Fix Bad Sectors

Are you getting errors while accessing certain files on your computer? Or the system is running in low memory? Probably the system may display “Blue Screen Of Death” error.

In fact the error comes in different versions, or in other words your system may prompt different textual and numeric coding on the azure screen of your machine. The symptoms are a clear indication that there is something wrong with the system hard-disk. Now the priority is to locate the bad sectors on the hard-disk. Don’t worry as you don’t need to pull out the disk. You are lucky enough that your Windows operating system is blessed with the utility that can automatically take care of it.

If your machine runs on Windows 98, ME or Windows XP then use the CHKDSK utility to detect and mark for bad sectors. Follow as: click Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools and select ScanDisk. Select the Thorough option and click Automatically Fix Errors. Apart from fixing bad sector it will optimize the booting process as well. In the later version just you need to navigate to the particular hard-disk which you want to scan. Right click on the partition and in the Properties window you will get the tool to fix the problem.

Fix DLL Errors

You have just double-clicked a program, and are stunned with: “Error starting program. A required .DLL file xxx.DLL was not found.” or “Cannot find the file xxx.exe (or one of its components.)”, remember it can happen anytime with any make and model of PC or laptop. Actually, DLL are important components of your operating system which might have been accidentally deleted from the system. It may happen during uninstalling software. Another cause could be a hard drive cleaner utility that is used to clean up your hard drive. Some individuals may even delete Dll files by accident by deleting files they don’t think they need.

You may take the plunge and reinstall the operating system. Remember to take the back of the entire data and settings beforehand. Seek help from online computer Help, in case you are not comfortable, or just not want to format your machine.

Microsoft Office Errors

The Office suite may start malfunctioning, and probably when you need it the most. It can happen with Words, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook or other. Reasons are many including shortage of RAM, attack of malicious software, corrupted file and more. Outlook related issues generally plunge when your user profile or POP3 server is damaged. Your security software or Windows Firewall can also conflict. An error in the windows registry can also interfere with the smooth running of applications. Running the Microsoft office repair tool can repair or fix this computer issue. Compatibility issue can be resolved up upgrading the version or running the product in compatibility mode. You may download file compatibility pack or use file conversion software as well.

No doubt the higher you go with technologies you find things getting more precarious, but keeping a cool head can let you enjoy those even.

How the Level of Government Technology Determines the Success and Effectiveness of Computer and Digital Forensics

The Meaning Of Computer Forensics

Computer forensics is a branch in forensic science entailing the process of investigating crimes committed by the use of computer technology, mostly over the internet. The word ‘Forensics' is commonly understood to mean bringing to court. Most states have enacted laws to regulate the admissibility, collecting, preserving and adducing of evidence collected though computer forensic technology in courts. This is often confused with the term digital forensics. The two terms are, however, generally related.

The meaning of digital forensics

Digital forensics is a forensic science branch, which encompasses the recovery and investigation of all the data and materials found or stored in the digital devices. Earlier, this term was synonymous to the computer forensics (discussed above) in relation to computer crime.

Its meaning has, however, been expanded to cover the investigation of all the digital devices which can store data including phones, cameras, memory cards, flash disks, CDs and DVDs, etc. It also includes the analysis of DNA, fingerprints, blood samples and other related items; it requires expertise of the highest degree.

These two technical terms are commonly used when discussing matters to do with computer or internet security. The perpetrators of a crime over the internet may be residing in different countries. The victims may be from several different and distant countries. It requires sophisticated government technology to trace those responsible for the crime being investigated.

It also requires the cooperation of the law enforcement authorities from different countries if the crime is extra territorial.

The process of investigation and prosecution of crimes committed over the internet is complex. It involves a complex system of tracing and collecting evidence, analyzing, organizing and then presenting it in court. The level and extent of government technology is directly related to its capability of dealing with computer crimes. The government must train its judicial officers, investigators and prosecutors on mobile device forensics, digital forensics, database forensics and internet forensics, in order to deal with computer crimes effectively.

Most crimes committed by the use of computers and over the internet are orchestrated and executed by well-trained computer professionals. The simple counter cyber crime training offered to most law enforcement authorities in the developing countries cannot meet the challenge of the internet hackers, online impostors, money launders and various other computer criminals. The successful investigation and prosecutions of computer crimes in the US and European countries, by use of the computer forensics technology, has proven that they are very effective in dealing with such crimes.

Computer Science

Even before the first computer was conceptualized, data had already been stored on hard copy medium and used with a machine.  As early as 1801, the punched card was used as a control device for mechanical looms.  One and one-half centuries later, IBM joined punched cards to computers, encoding binary information as patterns of small rectangular holes.  Today, punch cards are rarely used with computers. Instead, they are used for a handful of train tickets and election ballots.  Although some may find it surprising, a computer printout is another type of hard copy medium.  Pictures, barcodes, and term papers are modern examples of data storage that can later be retrieved using optical technology.  Although it consumes physical space and requires proper care, non-acidic paper printouts can hold information for centuries.  If long-term storage is not of prime concern, magnetic medium can retain tremendous amounts of data and consume less space than a single piece of paper.   The magnetic technology used for computer data storage is the same technology used in the various forms of magnetic tape from audiocassette to videocassette recorders.  One of the first computer storage devices was the magnetic tape drive. Magnetic tape is a sequential data storage medium. To read data, a tape drive must wind through the spool of tape to the exact location of the desired information. To write, the tape drive encodes data sequentially on the tape. Because tape drives cannot randomly access or write data like disk drives, and are thus much slower, they have been replaced as the primary storage device with the hard drive.  The hard drive is composed of thin layers of rigid magnetic platters stacked on top of one another like records in a jukebox, and the heads that read and write data to the spinning platters resemble the arm of a record player.  Floppy disks are another common magnetic storage medium.  They offer relatively small storage capacity when compared to hard drives, but unlike hard drives, are portable.  Floppy disks are constructed of a flexible disk covered by a thin layer of iron oxide that stores data in the form of magnetic dots. A plastic casing protects the disk: soft for the 51/4-inch disk, and hard for the 31/2-inch disk.  Magnetic storage medium, for all its advantages, only has a life expectancy of twenty years.   Data can be stored on electronic medium, such as memory chips.  Every modern personal computer utilizes electronic circuits to hold data and instructions.  These devices are categorized as RAM (random access memory) or ROM (read-only memory), and are compact, reliable, and efficient.  RAM is volatile, and is primarily used for the temporary storage of programs that are running.  ROM is non-volatile, and usually holds the basic instruction sets a computer needs to operate.  Electronic medium is susceptible to static electricity damage and has a limited life expectancy, but in the modern personal computer, electronic hardware usually becomes obsolete before it fails.  Optical storage medium, on the other hand, will last indefinitely.   Optical storage is an increasingly popular method of storing data.  Optical disk drives use lasers to read and write to their medium. When writing to an optical disk, a laser creates pits on its surface to represent data. Areas not burned into pits by the laser are called lands. The laser reads back the data on the optical disk by scanning for pits and lands. There are three primary optical disk mediums available for storage: CD-ROM (compact disc read-only memory), WORM (write once read many), and rewritable optical disks. The CD-ROM is, by far, the most popular form of optical disk storage; however, CD-ROMs are read-only. At the factory, lasers are used to create a master CD-ROM, and a mold is made from the master and used to create copies. WORM drives are used almost exclusively for archival storage where it is important that the data cannot be changed or erased after it is written, for example, financial record storage.Rewritable optical disks are typically used for data backup and archiving massive amounts of data, such as image databases.   Although there are many manufacturers of the data storage devices used in the modern personal computer, each fits into one of four technological classes according to the material and methods it uses to record information.  Hardcopy medium existed before the invention of the computer, and magnetic medium is predominantly used today.  Electronic medium is used by every computer system, and is used to store instructions or temporarily hold data.  Finally, optical storage medium utilizes lasers to read and write information to a disk that lasts indefinitely.  Each type of medium is suitable for certain functions that computer users require. Although they use differing technologies, they all have equal importance in the modern personal computer system.

Computer Supplies at a Technology Store

Computer Supplies is a term which encompasses together all the input, output and peripheral devices of computer usage and functioning. Either it's a small company or a giant software firm, all require continuous supply of computer aids for proper working.

The minor stationary articles include wide range of styled papers like Multicolor carbon less paper, green bar paper, perforated paper, continuous feed computer paper, holder types such as insight adjustable copy-holder for a clear front view, micro saver projector locks, electronic cleaners, wipes, lens-cleaner, computer cases, kits, pc- lights (top mounted lights for ease in working)

I/O Devices: All such stuff includes is the keyboards, flash cards, high resolution video cards, various kinds of USB devices, memory extendable devices, storage mediums, data cables, bluetooth devices, microphones (back-wear, ear-loop or convertible microphones with noise-canceling feature), speakers etc.

Keyboards and keypads: The latest kind of keyboards comes with a sleek design and cordless operations.

Series of keyboards include ergonomic keyboards (special type of sensor keypads), cordless optical keyboards (which use Bluetooth technology), wireless desktop boards that ensure easy carriage.

Storage devices: Storage devices are used for bulk storage of music, data or the graphic files. The cards under this category are Compact Flash Cards, which provide the perfect storage solution for many devices from MP3 Players to Digital Cameras offering high storage space, high rate performance, and compatibility. Duo Card (4 GB memory stick, powerful adapter) is the ideal for storing and transferring video and still photos imported from compatible Handycam or Cyber-shot digital cameras.

These devices offer the highest performance rating (Speed Class 6 rated) in the whole software industry. Along with that the inbuilt SDHC card offers topclass video capture and playback characteristics with fast photo upload or download. Other recent storage devices are the smart pen drives which feature the micro vault virtual expander (for data compression), to store 3 times more data in a robust wire-frame model.

USB and networking cable travel packs: Go anywhere with this compact pouch of cables of all formats handy for you. The unique 7-in-1 Retractable Cable Travel Pack provides a great solution for on the move kind of professional. The set has adapters for connectivity to printer, scanner, modem or cell phone.

Mobile PC and Navigators: The extreme gadgets that are the mobile PCs hold everything inside whether you want to know weather conditions, route conditions (avoidable areas or roads), flight status or commodity prices and also your reservations or trip records all are captured in this mini computer which can come in your palm. Navigators (GPS Navigation) can be connected to PC port or laptops and you have the whole time guide for travel tracks or route planning.

Key Benefits of Mobile Computing Technology

Employing mobile computing technology for business operations can bring compelling benefits to any organization. Using the latest mobile computing technologies, organizations can provide secure and real-time information and applications to their field workers, making them more efficient. Mobile computing improves operational efficiency, speeds up business transactions and ultimately enables better customer service. Versatile benefits of mobile computing devices made them essential tools for business transactions in many industries.

Listed below are a few benefits of successfully utilized field mobility solutions.

Eliminates paperwork: Mobile computing devices effectively eliminate paperwork as they collect, store and transfer data electronically. Field mobility solutions like handheld PCs, barcode scanners, mobile printers, etc., eradicate the burden of writing invoices and delivery receipts manually.

These tools effectively increase a worker’s ability to collect, access, and evaluate critical business information quickly and accurately.

Productive output in less time: Mobile computing devices offer improved and faster access of information, both to and from the central fixed information systems. This helps employees get critical information in real-time from the company. This way, field executives and technicians can complete their jobs with increased individual productivity, enhancing the organization's overall productive output in less time.

Cost reduction: Increasing individual productivity can effectively reduce intermediate staff, thereby saving on labor costs. Further, the need for separate equipment for various functions like transfer, evaluation and retrieval of data can be eliminated using mobile computing devices. Reducing extra travel, rework and selling time, field mobility solutions enable significant gains in service profitability.

Better decision making: Real-time access to critical information for both workers and management helps the companies make better decisions in terms of customer service. In fields like inventory management, field mobility solutions help in balancing stock levels. Accurately tracking the stock helps company management make timely decisions in order to avoid both overstock and out-of-stock situations. The availability of current and accurate information across all levels of organization supports individual/group decision making and thus enhances effectiveness of the management.

Improved customer relations: Flexibility to access information using field mobility solutions helps employees to resolve customer queries, update customer information, check prices and stock availability, place an order online right from the customer's home or business, immediately calculate estimates, cut down on the time spent per customer, and more. This kind of approach makes the customer feel more satisfied and comfortable about the services and develops loyalty to the brand or company. Faster and convenient service is always a sure way to improve customer relations, as well as the customer base.

Greater accuracy: Field mobility solutions transfer data electronically, allowing the data transfer to be quick and accurate. Electronic transfer avoids transcription and interpretation errors that are common in the manual data entry process. Online data transfer involves automatic time and date recording and tracking works in progress, which assures transparency, accountability and traceability.
Increased ROI: The latest technologies used in field mobility solutions make low-cost mobile computing a practical reality. Businesses can expect a payback on investments within a very short span of time. Enhanced business process, increased productivity and reduced expenses using mobile computing devices offer substantial return on investments.

As communication plays a vital role in an organization’s success, every business should be sure to have effective and efficient tools like field mobility devices for information transfer. Field mobility solutions improve information quality, decrease transaction times, break down business barriers and give competitive advantage – all of which are required components of a successful business.

Clients and Servers for Technology

People often hear about clients and servers in computer conversations. There are many different explanations, but all pointing in one direction. Corporate companies usually buy used server mainly because of its efficiency. A closer look at the different functions of servers is shared below.

The first thing that people have to know is the different client and server devices. Normally, clients are the devices that an end user has. This means that the computer that they use is all connected to the server which is then able to communicate with each other. Mobile phones and PDAs are also devices that can be considered as clients.

Servers are computers that are considered power devices because they have top of the line processors, normally more memory and power supplies that help them stay powered regardless of any situation.

This is because they are the repository of files from all the computer clients. The clients dump the information on the main computer for proper storing and filing.

Another important part of a client and server connection is the application that they use. For the most part, the client computer is the one who handles all the applications and the server is the one who stores and processes it. As long as the server understands the query of the client server, a connection will be made. It doesn’t matter if the server is brand new or they come from refurbished Dell servers, as long as they agree on what is being processed, then communication can take place.

Some people opt to purchase used servers rather than a brand new one because of money issues.

This can still be maximized with the help of the Internet. Basically, a server and client connection can be done over the Internet and it does not put a heavy load on the used server. If the company is big, they might have different servers in other locations where they can get information rather than overworking the used server.

The importance of servers and clients are undeniable when talked about its functionality in a business. It does not really matter if they are refurbished Dell servers or brand new computers as long as they do the job. These technological advancements have made communication and work a lot easier and more efficient.

Dell Desktop Computers With Advanced Technologies

Dell is the most common PC that can be spotted in any office. They are very useful and easy to handle. In addition to these, Dell computers are also the most durable computers and have such useful features which make them so popular, especially for office purposes.

Dell laptops have always been preferred over other laptops as far as the office use is concerned. In fact, Dell laptops are also considered good for students as well. Dell has variety of laptops, PCs and desktops, serving various purposes. People have always trusted this name to meet their requirements of the PCs and other accessories. We have had so many laptops and PCs from the Dell till date like the Dell Vostro, Dell Inspiron, Dell Studio laptops etc. Among these; Dell Vostro 200ST (Slim Tower) desktop PC is a very unique desktop in sense of features.

The Dell Vostro 200ST (Slim Tower) desktop PC features Dell Connect TM online tool, which allows a Dell small business support specialist to access the desktop remotely, in case there is some problem and help repair it. The Intel processor, which this computer uses, makes the basic difference with other Dell laptop prices. If we talk about the storage capacity of this desktop, we would see that it has hard disc drive storage capacity of 80 GB. The dimension of CPU of the Dell Vostro 200ST (Slim Tower) desktop PC makes it all the more popular. With a width of 100 m, depth 435 mm and 362 mm of height makes viewing of items on this desktop easy and comfortable.

There is one more variant of the Dell Vostro 200ST (Slim Tower) desktop PC, which is 40 percent smaller than the Dell Vostro 200ST (Slim Tower) desktop PC mini laptop. This makes the prior one more stylish. The features of both the computers are more or less same and hence, there is not much difference in Dell desktop prices of both of them. Dell desktop computers can very easily be spotted in institutions and offices. Featuring genuine Windows Vista Home Basic with superior digital entertainment and advance features, Dell Vostro 200ST (Slim Tower) desktop PC is also good for home.

All About Cloud Computing

Businesses rely on solid computer technologies and networking capabilities. The way the world does business is being dictated by changes in technology and communications. One of the most talked about technologies on the horizon is that of Cloud Computing.

This is an exciting breakthrough that consists of a pool of shared technological resources. It allows an on-demand use of networked resources that allows a company to pick and choose the resources that they will need and use these resources only when they need to use them.

Cloud computing can be thought of as a huge pool of shared resources that are made available to members that are connected to the cloud by means of a hardware or software solution. The ides of cloud computing allows smaller businesses to remain competitive without having to pay the huge prices associated with implementing their own network.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is all about a practical way for companies or individuals to access IT resources. Clouds can consist of actual, physical devices or virtual resources, like software. Cloud computing allows multiple companies to share the same resources to keep costs from skyrocketing.

To set up your own network can take millions of dollars and a lot of time. To get connected to a computing cloud can be a mere fraction of that cost and take place in just a few minutes time.

What Goes Around Comes Around

In the early days of business networks the mainframe concept dominated. A mainframe networked environment consisted on one "Master" computer that took care of all the computing, storage and application needs for the entire network. There were "dumb" terminals or very low powered computers that connected to the mainframe for all of their resources.

As the PC became more powerful and affordable, mainframe environments died out. Even though a cloud computing environment is not, technically, a mainframe environment, the underlying concept is very similar. The cloud holds all of the resources, like network bandwidth, storage and application delivery and the computers connected to the cloud access those resources when needed.

Resources Available On-Demand

If a small company needs bursts of bandwidth for particular services, but doesn't need a dedicated network, that company can get connected to a cloud that offers additional bandwidth on demand.

That way the company can get the bandwidth it needs, when it needs it, without having to pay for an in-house, expensive network that isn't needed on a constant basis. When small companies are enabled, by cloud computing, to pick the exact services that they need and pay for only those services, they can save themselves a lot of money.

Cloud computing is still in its infancy and there are several variations on the model. There is no exact "right way" to do cloud computing, but experts agree that it will become more standardized in coming years. Some networks may emphasize offering shared application resources, while others might lean toward bandwidth sharing. It is more than likely that there will be several models of cloud computing each centred on the exact needs of its customers.

Computers And Accessories

There were times when we used to count on our hands, write on paper, think with our minds and post letters in an envelope, then there came a hurricane called TECHNOLOGY and blew away these habits into the past giving us a miracle solution - computers!!

We all know how our lives depend on computers, be it students, managers, accountants, stock brokers or simple house wives, computers have taken the world by storm and transformed every persons life. We probably spend more hours of our lives staring at computer screens than just about any other activity. Starting from the abacus these electronic devices have come a long way to being transformed into super computers, work stations and the like. Computers and computer parts have become state-of- the- art and tend to get upgraded with the blink of an eye. We need to cope with these changing versions and get our systems regularly updated to keep pace with the world. All computer shops and stores however may not provide you the best counselling when it comes to choosing the best product or configuring the best system. For this you require experts, DCA computers are such online experts that may help you get the best bargain and make your work a lot easier. Their online computer stores provide all kinds of computer parts and also desktop computers and laptops at great prices without compromising on the quality in any way.

Whether you need to upgrade your operating system or have your systems memory expanded, install gaming software or get new high quality head phones you know you have come to the right place. You can browse through a vast collection of accessories and parts and decide at ease as to which will suit you best. DCA also provides expert advice if you cannot decide which configuration will be the best for you. Laptops and Desktops give you better outputs when upgraded regularly, and as software is continuously improved, you will find that there is a lot more you can do with your system, if you keep up with the demanding requirements of new and improved software.

PCs can also be configured by choosing different computer parts that are from different companies and belong to different versions of a particular accessory group. These parts when assembled can give you your own customized system, which is much more efficient to work with than the pre-assembled systems that may or may not serve your purpose as efficiently.

IBM to expand existing virtualized cloud computing technologies

The company has also showcased newly-created software, which would help expand the existing virtualized cloud computing systems. IBM had spent more than billion on developing hardware and software for cloud computing, and by 2013, it is expected to invest nearly billion in the sector. “Cloud computing is clearly gaining share of voice in the IT ecosphere as a result of its ability to provide dynamic scheduling, provisioning, and management of virtualized computing resources on demand,” said a technologist.

About the new software

Creating a rapid cloud environment is the main benefit of the latest technology unleashed by the company and it provides an image management system that facilitates installation, configuration and automation and creation of new virtual machines.

“IBM's new virtual management software hinges around the announcement of IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.2 -- a product built to help organizations manage virtual computing resources with automation tools for data center provisioning activities, including provisioning software for image federation and deployment across heterogeneous infrastructures,” revealed a company spokesperson.

Other benefits

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for cloud environments would also employ VMware's vStorage APIs for Data Protection and offload backup workload from virtual machines to vStorage backup servers. Also, it would offer better recovery options and integrate and simplify management of storage data.

“IBM has also demonstrated technologies that provide a centralized management platform for hybrid cloud environments for both on and off premise deployments. "The new technology extends service management capabilities such as governance, monitoring, and security across physical and virtualized resources in private and public clouds as well as traditional physical deployments,” stated the company release. The company is expanding its cloud computing technology and aims at becoming number one in it.

Computer Learning Technologies Now Available Online.

The way for E-learning course, affect the content looks to convey to learners how good. Use computer programming language, you can express what you want your computer to do some work, you think. In fact, hundreds of programming languages, but the good news is that you do not need to learn from them, is a good computer programmer. The reality is, it seems even the education to do, because as a whole, students are the equivalent of a poorly designed or non-professional look of things is certainly not worthy of consideration. Find a good or excellent computer training courses. When you complete a E Learning Courses using a particular language, do not be afraid to learn another. The implication is that it is very likely that students will be interested, given the time to listen and attention, let alone effectively. Learning is a continuous process. Once you have the language and familiar with computer, and you make use of such a tutorial, do not stop there.

In contrast, learning a second language, and other programs to start using the language. This requires the need to pay even small details, such as fonts, pictures, and even choice of close attention. E Learning Education designed for the purpose, and have a "common language", such as Java and C, can be used to create software and computer application. PHP and other similar language is designed for dynamic web pages, and "general scripting language", such as Perl and Python, is to do a wide range of small tasks. Font is an important element of visual design, have the ability to grasp a deeper level and the audience while strengthening the message across. Book or tutorial program may recommend that you choose a specific programming language. However, unlike such as pictures and clip art elements, style of the font is very difficult to replicate and integrate into the curriculum. Find a good or excellent computer programming tutorials. Another difficult thing about the font, and sometimes higher-ups tend to the traditional, pre-approved templates and styles.

When you complete a computer program using a particular language, do not be afraid to learn another. This makes it more difficult to increase the personality of the course instructional designers, and does not violate any rules, caught the attention of students. You can start, such as currency conversion process simple things, just keep working until you more Learning Technologies and other more complex programming learning. To apply for an e-learning network courses fonts, it is important to remember that set the tone right, to find the correct fonts and character before committing to the right or the design finalized audition Select the font. Technology is evolving fast. So, if you want to be a good programmer, you should also update the latest in the industry. Because it is a continuous learning process, you should always try to learn a new programming language and new models. The right tone - the right tone would help build a curriculum, the level of emotional connection with students. Find a good or excellent computer programming tutorials. Under normal circumstances, to break the style rules are ignored, if the font selection in an appropriate tone of delivery. Book or tutorial program may recommend that you choose a specific programming language. To do this, designers must use it as a graphic element of the strategy must be used.

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What Are Quantum Computing And Quantum Computers?

Much of the 21st century knowledge on consumer electronics and highly advanced technologies is based on man's growing understanding of Quantum Mechanics. This relatively new development in physics deals with the subatomic world, of particles and spheres scientists named with Greek and Latin letters, and of the field's aim to control, predict and manipulate such worlds that people can never see yet exist. It is opposed to theoretical physics work. Never mind (or at least set aside) the current Holy Grail of science, the general unified theory or string theory, because the conflicting, confusing and seemingly dice-playing Quantum Mechanics gives scientists the research and application for the development of computer science, information technology and many other fields of engineering. At least it has real world application unlike the string theory. And yes, even the current hype on touch-screen devices involves the subatomic worlds.

A little explanation of the Quantum mechanics first. In the Quantum world, everything is a chaos; there is nothing that can be predicted in subatomic level, unlike the physical world. But of course they can be controlled and manipulated for real world application. One such technological application of the dice-player Quantum mechanics is the Quantum computer/computing. They are unlike the transistor-based traditional computers.

With a Quantum computer, the use of subatomic particles and their phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, are possible; thus making the 'dice-playing' predictable and controllable. Scientists can now perform operations on quantum data; and the basic idea here is that quantum properties can represent data and be operated upon. It is first thought out by physicist Alan Turing in 1936 and theorized the universal quantum computer, also known as the quantum Turing machine. It won't be less right to say than instead of traditional bits and bytes, Quantum computers use particles of all the Greek and Latin alphabet.

However, close to a century hence, quantum computer is still in its infant stages. But it has ceased to be only a subject of theoretical research, and is beginning to take shape in applications and experiments. Computations for such experiments are done on quantities of quantum bits (qubits for short). And all the while governments and research facilities are now supporting the development of Quantum computers because of its potential for an even more powerful, accurate and faster calculations and computations. Military men will obviously like its implications.

In essence, a Quantum computer is a very powerful computer. Its memory can be exponentially larger, such as in millions of terabytes (scientists probably don't have a name yet for it); but only with a minimal size, say a card or a microchip. It can calculate millions of inputs simultaneously and even faster and better. It will surely have great implications on day-to-day living, if Quantum computers are mass-produced in the near future. And it won't be less right to say that Quantum computing is the future of all present-day computers. However, only time will tell if this highly-advanced technology is too difficult to build.

Technology, sense and Education

I ongoing to think regarding all this after a conversationw using a lonely of wealth who was decisive me of her struggle to get her son to read. You can discover more details here It's authentic that barely anybody, adults or children, makes time read these being. Of course people DO make time to babysit countless barren TV shows. I am chatting regarding TV programs that also show the nastiest part doable of being beings or that give people a completely distorted account of truth. If I watched the regional hearsay, I would never come out of my house. People from overseas have been knows to call me to restraint on me after earshot some terrible hearsay on their regional TV. What is the headland of that? I ask.

So yes, it is a disgrace that people don't read greatly because I do trust that there are a lot fewer ordinary books than ordinary TV shows.

But herein we are, that's the truth and there is no distrust that children retort a lot better to TV and IPods than a good old bunch of pages. remark that it might have to do using the truth that most parents who want quiet and calm at hometown have a bias to just sit their kids in front of the box from a very early age... You can't fault the little darlings.

So let's make the most of this state. Ultimately, why do we want kids to read? Just for the talent or for the please of what they read? gone a certain age, it has to be for the please. The actual talent should be drilled early on and if you have teenagers who can't read, that's another hindrance and not the subject of this piece.

A pair of being ago, I was given an IPod.

I had never sought one because I don't snoop to melody greatly and I couldn't picture myself walking around using my headset jamming to my songs. But then I was introduced around the same time to audio books. Wow! What a discovery! My IPod follows me everywhere. I barely ever babysit TV and when I am liability anything that doesn't involve a high flat of concentration, like cooking, ironing, cleaning the house, logging out transmit, etc, I just put the IPod on and I just "read". I mean I am listening truly, but as I am not equipped to make the time to actually sit and read. I just murder two birds using one pebble. I have "read" - by jumping on every opportunity to snoop to them - dozens of books in the last pair of being and have learnt so greatly! It has been the best education of my life. I have adult in behavior I didn't think were doable.

Now I am constant that your kids have an MP3 player of some description. Have you musing regarding looking into audio books for them. Or cleanly some audio annals that they can have in their IPod and that they would snoop to. Have a mix of some melody and some educational fill. Do the same yourself: when you are pouring anywhere, let the undivided family snoop to your choice audio books, have a discussion regarding what is said. Get your kids into it from an early age.

The same applies to TV. Yes, there are a lot of unheard programs on TV in my belief, but there are also good ones, that actually give education. Some kids' programs are very educational and then you have the Discovery conduit, the memoirs conduit, etc. Instead of quietening your kids using slavish cartoons, try a Discovery syllabus on sea life. Don't get me damage, I do passion cartoons too, but not just any and not all the time. Some are better than others. But there has to be sort. Children, like all people, retort to what they are given. If you nourish them fieriness from an early age, they'll like it because it will have become the norm for them and they will want more. If you nourish them education, instruction, education from an early age, they will want more of that.

Games consoles are the same. They have sport that involve some opinion and others that consist of shooting, or racing or pretending you are singing sport. If the withstand is good enough to go outdoor and you like soccer or football or baseball, go and horseplay it, do the heartfelt thing. If it is too cold or damp and you are mystified within, tool a doll that will school you anything, regarding finances for command or running your hope, or edifice a custom. There are sport like that.

Computer use also desires to be qualified to kids early. Mastering Microsoft agency is a must. Get them to write their journal on the mainframe for command, get them to horseplay around using PowerPoint when they have educate projects, show them Publisher, etc. All these are chief skills. The Internet is also a great find of good or bad and you have to tool and pick. There are a lot of interactive sites for kids that can be great. All the communities are good too if they are worn for a reasonable quantity of time per day. It is very cushy to get accepted elsewhere on the net and expend hours factually massacre time. But there are also a lot of clothes to be academic. even just the official aspects of with a mainframe. school your kids to be judicious on the net: for command, make constant they limited what movies they put in their profile and school them regarding the kind of idea they want to cast. They can also learn regarding advertising themselves or an upshot on one of those communities. It can school them regarding marketing at an early age.

Technology is stuffed of assets. It has to be worn prudently and kids have to be revealed - ASAP - the assenting, educational behavior they can use it so that they will ask for more. Don't fault violent TV or sport, worthless TV shows etc for children's need of fascinate in educate. Take your part of responsibility: you are the ones to conclude what your kids do or don't. Then work using what you have got and use this great tool that we call technology to your lead.

Ceadigh Miller contributes articles to Introduction to Literature. You can view further details here

Technological advancement

The world has witnessed a great deal of technological advancement, specifically in the field of information and technology (IT). Particularly, the IT sector has witnessed the advent of computers which use the in-and-out electron movements into transistors. This is what has come to be known as the photonic computing; a technological phenomenon which uses light particles (photons). These are produced by in the place of the electrons by the lacers.

The Advantages of Using the optical (photonic) communications in future chip multiprocessors (CMP)

There are many merits (than demerits) which emanate from the use of the optical (photonic) communication in the CMP. First and foremost, the use of the photonic communications is bound to guarantee much faster connectivity and transactions, compared to the electrons.

This is due to the fact that light has the ability to travel approximately 30 centimeters within a nanosecond (Forestieri, 2005).

At the same time, the transmission of the photons, compared to the electrons, is bound to convey larger amounts of data and in (an almost) instantaneous manner. This is because the photons have the highest bandwidth.

Advantages to using optical communications

The optical communications is obtained through the use non-linear reflective indexing materials. The importance of optical components communications is based on the fact that its optical transistors effects are able to be dispensed in the creation of logical gates which are to be subsequently assembled into higher levels of the computer's CPU components.

The above use of the optical communications remains beneficial, since optical communications components use silicon photonics, leading to very minimal consumption of power.

This allows the deliverance of the performance-per-watt; a feat which remains unattainable as far as the use of all the electronic interconnects goes (Guo, 2002).

The two inherent limitations of photonic networks that electronic computing can solve in relation to the size or scale of the components being discussed

The advantage electronic computing has over the photonic networks is that it its use enables a smaller band of photon frequencies to represent more bits in binary number systems. Herein, electronic computers specifically use about 128 bit-position logic. The magnanimity of this is seen in the fact that on its own, 123 billion bit positions are contained by a single visible spectrum (Shacham, Bergman and Carloni, 2007).

Another advantage associated with electronic computers is that it allows the transfer of data over long distance at greater rates. This is due to the fact that electrical lines remain adequately larger. Optical computer communications on the other hand support lower amounts.

Characteristic of a mesh network is important to the experiment

Since a mesh network requires the employment of two or more connections, it remains quite clear that the experiment is likely to seek to ascertain the best form of mesh network: whether full mesh or partial mesh typology. To this effect, it is highly possible that direct connectivity of nodes to each other or the selective connectivity of only some nodes is to characterize this experiment.

The pros and cons of employing this emergency communications design within an area of the U.S. prone to natural disasters

As divulged upon by Takahashi and others (2007), the importance of this experiment is that it will antecede the discernment of the best broadband access systems which are to be deployed as a way of attenuating the digital divide the culmination of this above research is the provision of the medical care even right within the vicinity of the remotest of areas such as the Old Yamakoshi Village.

Conversely, the negativity to be realized from this undertaking is that large cascading buildings are bound to obstruct radio signals from the targeted party due to their large shadows. This is as far as far as the urban center is concerned. As touching on the rural setting, trees, hills and suchlike features are likely to causer the obstruction.


These above accruals will be stemming from the precedence set in by network expansions and the planting of self-healing architecture. This will greatly reduce the cost of operation and implementation as the facilitation of mobile networks is made a reality.


Computer Forensics Technology

Sample Essay

Answer 1

 The fact that computer forensics tools and methods can be successfully use to identify user passwords, computer logons, as well as other transparent information is absolutely correct. A simple example of this can be the extraction of password through file sharing. If a file sharing is enabled on a computer, then services such as NetBIOS can be sued to retrieve sensitive information about the system, such as the user names, configuration of the system as well as registry keys. These pieces of information can then be used to allow for a brute force password attack against any Windows NT system.  Furthermore, on a network, software such as packet sniffers can be used to extract data from the packets travelling a particular segment of a network, which can contain confidential information such as user credentials.

A simple utility which is often ignored called FINGER, can also be used to extract information about user logons remotely on computers on which the service has not been disabled.

With regards to identification, detection and extraction of information that is transparently moved between different components of a computer, forensic tools allow the computer forensic experts to have a look at data that is generated from past activities on the computer. This data may be found in the swap files that contain temporary data generated by the various programs. This data may not only provide information about the usage of the program but also provide clues about the users credential and other information that is not saved in user files. Forensic tools can also have a look at data in file slack and unallocated file space, which is unreadable by the user in normal circumstances. This form of data can be categorized uniquely as ambient data and may span up to 50% of a computer hard drive. This ambient data may contain email fragments, word processing fragments, directory tree snapshots as well as remnants of any activity that has occurred in past work sessions on a computer. These chunks of data, when read, may provide important information and can prove to be an important clue for computer forensic expert looking for evidence, but these activities are only made possible with the help of computer forensic tools (Vacca, 2005).

 This is just a sample paper solely for marketing purposes. Please visit our website for custom term papers and essays.

The Technological Revolution: How Computer Applications Speed up Company Operations

Technological advancements have created many possibilities for different businesses today. Innovations like sophisticated computer software have augmented employee performance. Businesses also use different applications to lighten the load of their operations. Tasks like record keeping, article writing, imaging, and storing data can be done via these applications. Listed below are a few of the computer applications that companies can use.

Internet Browsers

Connecting to the internet is essential since communication with customers and other business partners must be conducted online. Companies can use an application known as a web browser to access the internet. Web browsers enable companies to compose and send e-mails, and browse the web for resources. Some of the functions of an Internet browser may include tab browsing, webpage bookmarking, and toolbar customizing.

Multimedia applications

Advertising agencies need to create various materials for their clients.

In order to meet their clients’ needs, these companies use multimedia applications to create visual artwork and videos. Applications, like Adobe Premiere, conceive, create, and edit videos and photos. Moreover, editing, re-sizing, and uploading pictures can be done via photo editing applications.


To keep track of accurate data, companies use spreadsheets included in software bundles like Sage Timberline software.

A spreadsheet is an application with cells arranged in rows and columns for the information input. Users do not have to worry about re-entering and manually calculating figures with spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are highly versatile and packed with different functions. Businesses use spreadsheets to encode employee performances, account company sales, and analyze financial reports.  

Word processors

When typewriters became obsolete, word processors became the main tool for writing and editing printable supplies. Unlike typewriters, word processors are built with more functions for simpler encoding. Users can add pictures, change the font and font sizes, and delete any errors. Word processors may be used for keeping records, writing reports, and creating electronic messages. A number of applications of this type are accessible in software program bundles like Sage Accpac ERP.

Database programs

The collective database is an essential component of the company. It is where all important information is stored, organized, secured, and retrieved. The collective database enables users to quickly select specific data. It also functions as an electronic filing system. Database programs have advanced features other applications may not have. For example, a database system allows its users to store an infinite number of contacts. Database programs like sage Timberline Estimating can speed up the procedure of accounting.

The Cloud Hosting & Computing ?New Era of Advance Technology

In a new era of computing the cloud computing is very famous upcoming technology which is mostly used now days. In rapid advancement of internet and hosting technology the cloud hosting and cloud computing emerges possibility of business trends of a new web development and web hosting services and internet related services. The term cloud hosting via cloud computing is Internet-based computing technology used and website hosting ,web development and hosting services, In which shared servers provide resources, software, and data to computers and other devices on demand, as with the electricity grid and full technical support. Cloud computing is a natural evolution of the widespread adoption of virtualization, service-oriented architecture and utility computing. Details are abstracted from consumers, who no longer have need for expertise in, or control over, the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them.

It is mostly happening technology which is used by most of the organizations.

Cloud computing  mainly describes a new supplement, substitute, consumption, and delivery model for  ultimate IT services based on the Internet which helpful for internet based web hosting services, and it typically involves  all over-the-Internet provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources. It is a byproduct and consequence of the ease-of-access to remote computing sites provided by the Internet.  This frequently takes the form of web-based tools or applications that users can access and use through a web browser as if it was a program installed locally on their own computer. Typical cloud computing providers deliver common business applications online that are accessed from another Web service or software like a Web browser, while the software and data are stored on servers. Most cloud computing infrastructures consist of services delivered through common centers and built on servers. Clouds often appear as single points of access for consumers' computing needs.

Cloud computing Assured Redundancy:-

The cloud hosting and computing will assured redundancy .Cloud Hosting replicates web servers on not just once but many times to make sure that when any of the physical server or virtual machine suddenly goes offline, the others will not be affected. Thus, the total uptime for the entire cloud is not affected when one server goes offline.  So the best way to do it is to ensure that web server can replicate your data in another machine. It is best that replication be done in more than one machine that is capable of uptime continuity.

Increased reliability and scalability with cloud computing:-

Because of the capability of cloud hosting to create multiple redundant sites, it increases reliability and lessens the possibility of outages. Cloud hosting can be trusted to keep you online when others are going offline. Another concern of industry players is scalability. We want that our website always work better and user friendly, interactive for this we will try to avoid unusual circumstance like bugs down, and crashes. This ability of a system to be enlarged to handle influx of work is called scalability.This is one very component of web hosting that cloud hosting appear to do at a lesser cost. With cloud hosting you can improve your scalability, from a one virtual machine to a group of servers.  

Major disadvantage with cloud hosting: Security :-

Moving on to security provides with cloud hosting is little be confusing, if not controversial issue with cloud hosting. The industry is split between users thinking that security is risky with cloud hosting and users who believe that security is better with cloud hosting. Security concerns are mainly due to the centralization of data. Others argue that cloud hosting takes away the some control on sensitive information and it lacks security features for stored kernel. Another argument is that security is riskier when data is shared and distributed on a bigger number of devices. Pro-cloud hosting would tell you that such is not the case.